Vision & Mission

Dora's Mission

Our Vision

To be the most knowledgeable, reliable, and trusted business partner in the specialty fertilizer and related industries.

Provide & discuss the most appropriate solution in plant disease control & soil amendment & crop nutrients supplement. Try our best to promote sustainable agriculture development.

Our Mission

  • Understanding the biological fertilizer industry enables us to be a trustworthy partner with our customers and suppliers.
  • Rich technical knowledge of our products and applications.
  • Provide good quality products at competitive prices.
  • Provide customers with world-class products and services.

How We Do

Dora Agri is committed to developing high-quality standards for our products, services, and customer support. We spend a large part of our annual budget on research and development of new products.  

We have many partnerships with other research institutions and universities in China.

We will respond enthusiastically to everyone’s requests of our customers. We guarantee that our relationships with our distributors and suppliers are sustainable, cooperative, and based on fairness and mutual respect.

We are an up-and-coming team whose members trust and support each other. We share a shared vision, and we emphasize quality in all our activities for our partners.

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