Category: Bio Insecticide

Bioinsecticide Products

Bioinsecticide products cover insecticidal microorganisms or natural toxins to achieve the insect-control target. By contact and parasitism, the insects will be killed naturally. These microbes usually exist widely in nature, have been considered as low-toxic insecticides.

The most common bioinsecticide products: Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Bacillus thuringiensis.

Bioinsecticide Mode of Action

1. Contact Killing

Some bioinsecticides’ spores germinate and infect the body after they come in contact with the pests. This bacterium will be in the body of the pests throughout its life cycle, kill the pests by nutrient intake, secreting toxins, destroying the body structure.

2. Affect Feeding

Some bioinsecticides can make pests lose their appetite. Pests are malnourished by suppressing their eating habits and eventually killing them.

3. Affect Growth

Many pests have stage changes during growth, manifested in molting and pupae. Some bioinsecticides can interfere with the process of molting to prevent pests from completing their life cycle and prevent their reproduction.

4. Interfere Multiply

Some bioinsecticides can use pheromones to stop or slow down insect reproduction. A pheromone is a compound that confuses pests that are looking for a partner. If males and females cannot find each other, they cannot reproduce the next generation of pests. Pheromones can significantly reduce the number of offspring produced by pests.

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