Drought Resistance Ability

Dora Agri is devoted to improving crop resistance ability to help customers reduce losses caused by extremely dry weather.

As the global climate warms, droughts stress cause most crops to fail to mature properly, and even reduce or fail to harvest. If the rate of water uptake by the roots of the crops is less than the rate of transpiration from the leaves, the crops will wilt. If there is no water in the soil for the plants to absorb at this time, the crops will be permanently wilted, and if this state persists for too long, the plants will die.

Crop drought resistance refers to a property in that crops endure drought with the least damage and yield reduction. It is the ability of crops to grow, reproduce, survive in an arid environment and restore normal metabolism after drought.

Under drought conditions, crops lose more water than they absorb. This water stress has a wide range of effects on crops, mainly in physiological and metabolic processes such as crop growth and development, photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration.

Under the condition of water stress, cells in vivo undergo a series of adaptive changes in terms of physiology, biochemistry, structure, etc., and finally manifest in plant morphology and yield. Use drought-resistant agents to enhance crop resistance.

drought resistance ability
corn drought stress

Effective Way to Improve Crop Drought Resistance

Drought resistance agent is a general term for chemical substances applied to soil or crops that can reduce evaporation or transpiration or enhance the drought resistance of crops.

The use of drought-resistant agents to enhance the adaptation and resistance of crops to adversity has become the main way to improve the drought resistance of crops, and it is also an effective way to improve the drought resistance of crops and increase the yield of crops.

Types of Drought Resistant Agents

1. Biological Seed Dressing Agents: it’s rich in crop cell membrane stabilizers, which can make crops have strong drought resistance, delay emergence, promote seedling growth, increase green leaf area and dry matter accumulation, and improve individual quality. Ensure that the vitality of crops is maximized to resist adversity factors and achieve the purpose of increasing production.

2. Fulvic Acid: The plant anti-transpiration agent with fulvic acid as the main raw material can effectively reduce the stomatal opening of plant leaves, reduce transpiration, increase the relative water content of leaves, promote root development, improve root vigor, and enhance root’s ability to absorb water and nutrients, increase the content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic intensity, promote the absorption of nutrients and improve the utilization rate of fertilizers, increase the protective key enzymes of the cell membrane system, reduce the content of MDA and the relative conductivity of cell fluid. Thereby reducing the damage of membrane lipids and improving the drought resistance of crops. It has become one of the main drought-resistant agents widely used in production.

3. 6-BA & S-ABA: By regulating the level of endogenous hormones, 6-BA prevents the photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, and leaf water potential of crops from decreasing under water stress, thereby reducing the damage of reactive oxygen species to cell membranes under water stress and enhancing the drought resistance of crops. 6ba & aba mainly affect the drought resistance of crops by regulating endogenous hormones, and are the main adaptive regulating substances produced in plants under drought conditions.

4. IBA & NAA: It is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, non-toxic compound plant growth regulator, also known as a rooting promoter.

Its mechanism of action is mainly to accelerate the germination of seeds, promote the significant elongation of seed roots and the rapid expansion of leaf area, which is conducive to the formation of a strong secondary root system, enhances the water retention capacity of plants, improves the drought resistance of crops, and achieves the effect of drought resistance, water saving and yield increase.

5. Glycine Betaine: It is an osmotic adjustment and drought resistance agent, and its mechanism of action is to improve the metabolism of crops, increase the water content of the plant body, and maintain a longer green leaf functional period, thereby improving the drought resistance of crops, promoting grain filling and increasing crop yield.

6. Polymer water-absorbing resin: It is a soil water-retaining agent with a water absorption capacity of 400 to 1200 times. It can form a “small reservoir” containing auxin around the seeds, providing necessary water and growth substances for the germination and growth of seeds. .

Soil water retaining agent can improve soil structure, adjust soil water, heat, gas conditions and water supply capacity, improve soil fertility and storage capacity of rainwater, enhance root absorption and synthesis capacity, maintain normal physiological metabolism and photosynthetic production capacity of crops, and improve drought resistance.

7. Seaweed Extract: is rich in seaweed polysaccharides, which are easily absorbed by crop leaves. After these seaweed polysaccharides are absorbed by crops, it can increase the viscosity and elasticity of cell protoplasm, increase the concentration of cell fluid, improve the water absorption capacity and water retention capacity, and maintain the stability of hydrolase, protease, and lipase, so that the plasma membrane can be stabilized. The structure is protected from damage, thereby improving the drought resistance of the plant. (Omri Listed Seaweed Extract)

8. Salicylic acid: it can increase free proline content, POD activity, SOD activity, and soluble protein content, reduce MDA content, affect cell membrane permeability, and significantly improve plant drought resistance.

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