Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae: A Biopesticide for Beetle Control

Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Bt galleriae) is a subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring soil bacterium known for its insecticidal properties. Bt galleriae is particularly effective against beetle larvae, making it a valuable tool in integrated pest management (IPM) programs for agricultural and horticultural applications. This article explores the characteristics, mode of action, applications, and benefits of Bt galleriae.

Characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Bt galleriae)

1. Origin and Discovery

Bt galleriae was first isolated from dead larvae of the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). It is one of the many subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis, each of which produces specific toxins targeting different insect pests.

2. Biological Properties

Bt galleriae produces proteinaceous toxins (Cry and Cyt toxins) during sporulation. These toxins are highly specific to beetle larvae, particularly those belonging to the Scarabaeidae family, which includes Japanese beetles, European chafers, and other root-feeding beetles.

Mode of Action

1. Toxin Production

Bt galleriae produces crystalline toxins, specifically Cry8Da and Cry8Db proteins, which are toxic to beetle larvae. When ingested by the larvae, these toxins disrupt their gut cells, leading to paralysis and death.

2. Ingestion and Activation

Beetle larvae ingest Bt galleriae spores and crystals present on treated plant surfaces or soil. The alkaline conditions in the larval gut solubilize the crystals, releasing the toxins.

3. Larval Death

The toxins bind to receptors on the gut cell membranes, creating pores and causing cell lysis. This leads to gut paralysis, starvation, and ultimately death of the larvae within a few days.

Applications of Bt galleriae

1. Agricultural Use

Bt galleriae is widely used in agriculture to control beetle larvae that feed on crops. It is particularly effective against root-feeding beetles that cause significant damage to plants.

2. Turf and Ornamental Plants

In turf management, Bt galleriae is used to control grubs that feed on grass roots, causing brown patches and weakening lawns. It is also applied to ornamental plants to protect them from beetle larvae infestations.

3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Bt galleriae fits well into IPM programs, where it can be combined with other biological, cultural, and mechanical control methods. Its specificity to beetle larvae makes it a valuable component of environmentally sustainable pest management strategies.

Benefits of Using Bt galleriae

1. Environmental Safety

Bt galleriae is highly specific to target beetle larvae and does not harm beneficial insects, wildlife, humans, or pets. It is considered safe for use in environmentally sensitive areas, including residential lawns and gardens.

2. Resistance Management

The unique mode of action of Bt galleriae toxins reduces the likelihood of resistance development in target insect populations. This makes Bt galleriae an effective and sustainable tool for long-term pest management.

3. Compatibility with IPM

Bt galleriae is compatible with other pest management methods and can be integrated into IPM programs. Its use can reduce reliance on chemical insecticides, promoting a healthier and more balanced ecosystem.

4. Non-Persistent

Bt galleriae does not persist in the environment for long periods, reducing the risk of environmental contamination. Its biodegradability ensures that it does not accumulate in the ecosystem, making it a favorable choice for pest control.

How to Apply Bt galleriae

1. Identifying Infested Areas

For effective beetle control, identify and target areas where beetle larvae are present. This includes crops, turf, and ornamental plants.

2. Choosing the Right Formulation

Bt galleriae is available in various formulations, including granules, liquid concentrates, and wettable powders. Select the appropriate formulation based on the application site and target pest.

3. Application Timing

Apply Bt galleriae during the early stages of larval development for maximum effectiveness. Regular monitoring and timely applications are crucial for maintaining control over beetle populations.

4. Follow Label Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and label guidelines for application rates and methods. Proper application ensures the effectiveness of Bt galleriae and minimizes the risk of non-target impacts.


Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae (Bt galleriae) is a powerful and environmentally friendly biopesticide used to control beetle larvae. Its specific action against target beetle species, combined with its safety for non-target organisms, makes it an essential tool in integrated pest management programs. By understanding its characteristics, mode of action, and application methods, pest control professionals and gardeners can effectively use Bt galleriae to manage beetle populations and protect crops, turf, and ornamental plants.

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