How To Keep Your Lawn Green In Fall and Winter

autumn turf grass

One crucial aspect of autumn lawn care is lawn mixing. Warm-season lawns turn yellow and cease growing in winter. Thus, when autumn arrives, cool-season grass like ryegrass is used to replenish warm-season lawns in autumn and winter. This enhances the lawn’s resistance, extends its evergreen period, and improves the overall landscape effect.

A mixed lawn is created by sowing two or more grass species in a specific proportion. The aim is to combine the advantages of different grass species to boost the lawn’s overall performance. Taking Bermuda lawn as an example, when frost hits or the temperature drops below 10°C, the green grass-planted lawn gradually turns yellow. There is a long yellowing period in winter, which significantly impacts the landscape. However, lawn ryegrass or thick-stemmed bluegrass can germinate quickly in autumn and winter, with fine lawn quality and can form within 28-45 days after sowing. Therefore, interseeding cold-season lawns with warm-season lawns not only compensates for the shortcomings of both types of lawn grasses but also maximizes their advantages to achieve an evergreen landscape effect. This is the maintenance method employed by many municipal landscapes, community properties, and golf courses.

How To Manage A Mixed Lawn?

  • Fertilization: Autumn is a time of vigorous growth for lawns. Appropriate fertilization can promote lawn growth and tillering. “Dora KelpReal” is recommended to enhance lawn root development and improve cold resistance. (Dora KelpReal product)
  • Punching: Soil punching improves soil aeration and water penetration, facilitating better nutrient absorption by the roots.
  • Remove fallen leaves: Timely removal of fallen leaves prevents insufficient light on the lawn due to leaf cover.
  • Mowing: The mowing height in autumn should be appropriate, not too short. Generally, keep it at about 5-7 cm to reduce the occurrence of diseases and pests.
  • Pest and disease control: Autumn is the peak period for lawn diseases and pests. Regularly inspect the lawn and take necessary prevention and control measures. Safe and green products like Bacillus thuringiensis or Beauveria bassiana are recommended.(bacillus thuringiensis product, beauveria bassiana product)
  • Reseeding: For sparse or exposed areas, choose grass species suitable for the local climate for reseeding.
  • Water management: Adjust watering according to soil moisture in autumn to avoid excessive or insufficient water.
  • Weed management: To ensure the lawn is not affected by weeds in autumn and winter, use safe herbicides after sowing and before the lawn emerges to control weeds such as annual bluegrass, crabgrass, barnyard grass, and foxtail grass.

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