How To Promote Root Growth

Why we need to promote root growth ?First, roots anchor the plant in place, resisting the forces of wind and running water or mudflow.

Secondly, the root system takes in oxygen, water, and nutrients from the soil, to move them up through the plant to the stems, leaves, and blooms.where they can interact with sunlight to produce sugars and energy for the plant.

Last but not least, scientists have recently discovered that roots secrete compounds that affect the microorganisms in the soil, which can help protect the plants from disease and encourage it to absorb nutrients from the soil. 

After we understand the meaning of plant roots, then you will know ‘what promotes root growth’ in next.

promote root growth

Four Ways to Promote Root Growth

1. Essential Nutrients Supply

Phosphorus potassium &Nitrogen are the vital nutrients to support root growth for plants. They encourage plants to put down a dense collection of new roots and strengthen existing roots as they develop.

Phosphorus helps establish healthy root systems at the beginning of growth. And it will promote root growth, flowering, and fruit set.

Potassium can thicker plant cell walls. It will increase plants’ tolerance to stress and promote root growth.

2. Root Stimulators Hormones

Auxin is a plant hormone that plays an essential role in plant growth and development as a regulator of many biological processes, especially IAA, IBA & NAA.

They are the natural plant auxin’s effect on the stimulation of the root. And induce earlier root formation & development and the higher number of roots formation. They are also widely used in stimulating root germination in cutting propagation.

3. Microbial Bio-fertilizer

Microbial fertilizer is widely used in protecting & promoting roots growth.

On the one hand, they have a good effect on controlling harmful pathogens, guarding the roots against toxins and diseases in soils.

On the other hand, they can break down insoluble nutrients and micronutrients in soils and make them more accessible to be absorbed by crops. And produce & release beneficial natural substances such as auxins, cytokinins to promote roots growth.

Such as Mycorrhizae, Trichoderma harzianum & Bacillus subtilis.

Management to Promote Root Growth

1. Apply root promoting fertilizer under regular schedule contain a high content of phosphorous

2. Ensure the proper growth temperature

3. Provide adequate light

4. Do not overwater

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