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What are the advantages of using nutrient liquid soil cultivation for blueberries?

Soil is Easy to Manage and the Quality has Improved

Soilless cultivation refers to a cultivation method that uses liquid fertilizers (nutrient solutions) such as nitrogen to grow plants. Among them, the method of cultivation using soil that can support the root system is called nutrient solution soil cultivation; the method of only using nutrient solution cultivation is called hydroponics.

nutrient liquid soil cultivation for blueberries

In recent years, the nutrient liquid soil cultivation method has been widely adopted by blueberry producers. The device for hydroponics consists of several containers for water and concentrated liquid fertilizer, pumps for mixing these liquids, a device for controlling the nutrient solution and the frequency of watering, and an EC (total amount of fertilizer contained in the soil) checking device.

In addition, there is a container containing phosphoric acid to make the nutrient solution acidic in blueberry cultivation. The pH- and EC-adjusted nutrient solution is pumped into the tubes, and sent to each pot at a predetermined time. After filtering, the advantage of this planting method is that the growth is better and the pH adjustment is simpler. The initial investment cost will be more, but the soil management is simple and the quality of blueberries will be better, so it is gradually accepted by producers.

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