Summer Lawn Care – Schedule Guide

Summer lawn care

Summer is the season for lawn care. If the goal of lawn care in spring is to keep your lawn healthy and green, the main task of the summer lawn care schedule is to keep it healthy. After the growing season in spring, heat, and drought in summer will put a lot of pressure on lawn grass.

Summer lawn care not only requires regular watering and mowing. To keep your lawn healthy, you need to remove weeds and pests. And ensure the lawn has enough fertilizers to keep turf green in the summer.

Here are some tips for summer lawn care for your reference.

1. Mow Lawn

lawn mowing care

Mowing the grass in summer lawn care is crucial because too much grass absorbs too many nutrients. The fertility of the soil will be consumed too quickly. But cutting grass too short will make it difficult to retain moisture & absorb from sunlight.

Most types of grass should be trimmed to about 3 inches. Proper height can shade the roots, reduce evaporation, promote deeper root growth, and prevent weed seeds from sprouting.

Please check the blades of the mowing mower regularly, because dull blades tear the grass unevenly and make it vulnerable to disease. You should also leave grass cuttings in the soil so that nutrients can be reused.

2. Watering Lawn


Scientific watering is an important part of summer lawn care. Lack of moisture in turfgrass soil can reduce root and bud growth and cause the grass to wilt, turning green turf into a pale green or brown. Grass in the dry condition is prone to other problems, including weeds and pests.

Water lawn 1-2 times a week or less if it rains. It’s plenty for these types of plants. Overwatering will cause the roots to become shallower and more prone to drying. The best time to water in summer is usually between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. Preferably before sunrise. In this way, the water has a chance to be absorbed by the grass before it is dried by the sun.

How to choose the right grass fertilizer?

3. Summer Lawn Fertilizer

Whether you need to fertilize your lawn in summer depends on the weather and soil conditions. In most cases, your grass doesn’t require excessive fertilizer. You can use organic fertilizer and microbial-based fertilizer in the summer because it doesn’t stress or burn the lawn. They not only add nutrients to the grass but also improve the soil microenvironment.

Lawn fertilization tips:1.Make sure the soil is moist or fertilized after rain; 2.Fertilize in the evening or on a cloudy day-fertilizer does not like sunlight; 3.Do not apply high nitrogen fertilizer after August, because high nitrogen is not suitable for autumn use.

4. Weed Control

Weeds are harmful to any lawn. Insist on regular lawn inspections to detect any weeds and remove them as soon as possible.

Please note that any weed killer products all can cause damages to already-stressed lawn grasses. Please don’t overuse, or switch to weeding by hand.

5. Lawn Diseases & Pests Control

Drought and extreme temperatures, high or low water levels, improper mowing, and poor nutrition all put pressure on lawns, leaving them vulnerable to a variety of pests and diseases. It also shows the importance of summer lawn care.

Dormant or drought-stressed summer lawns are more susceptible to diseases & pests infestation. And they are easy to overlook on hot summer lawns.

The most common lawn disease: Chinch bugs, Sod webworms, Armyworm, cutworm, etc

The best solution is to apply some preventive care techniques in advance. If the disease has already occurred, We can use fungicides to control the conditions.

The most common lawn pests: Gray leaf spot, root rot, Leaf spot, Red thread, Dollar spot, Necrotic Ring Spot, etc

Use traditional pesticides to control pests may also remove beneficial insects from lawns. The best way to control pests is to use the right lawn care schedule. Proper fertilization, mowing habits, and irrigation are all essential.


Please note that summer lawn care covers not only June to September. By preparing your lawn before the summer heat, you’ll have a yard that can withstand summer stress and thrive in the fall.

If you suffer any of these harmful lawn diseases or pests, please contact our team. We are happy to restore your lawn to its beautiful state.

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