Application of Fulvic Acid Products in Orchards

In agricultural applications, fulvic acid has a wide range of influences on the growth, development, physiology, and biochemistry of orchards, especially can enhance the orchards stress resistance and has excellent potential for development.

fulvic acid orchards

Fulvic acid can improve orchard soil by coordinating, repairing, and enhancing soil enzyme activities.

Improve Soil Porosity: Fulvic acid can improve soil pore state by promoting the formation of soil aggregate structure. After entering the soil, fulvic acid quickly dissolves in water to form a cementitious substance, which increases soil porosity and is conducive to the coordination and balance of soil water, fertilizer, gas, heat and other factors.

Repair the Soil Condition: Fulvic acid is rich in active groups such as hydroxyl and carboxyl, and has a large specific surface area and surface expansion force, which can adsorb and stabilize metal cations through complexation, chelation, surface adsorption, ion exchange, etc. Therefore, the concentration of soluble salts and the bioavailable content of heavy metals in the soil can be reduced, the degree of soil salinization and heavy metal pollution can be reduced, and the purpose of soil remediation can be achieved.

Improve the Utilization Efficiency of Fertilizers and Pesticides: On the one hand, fulvic acid is used as a slow-release agent and stabilizer for nitrogen fertilizers, a synergist for phosphate fertilizers, and a protective agent for potassium fertilizers.

Increase Soil Nutrients: Fulvic acid can enhance the activity of soil enzymes, increase the number of soil microorganisms such as aerobic bacteria, actinomycetes, and cellulolytic bacteria, improve the decomposition and transformation rate of organic matter, accelerate the release of mineral elements, and increase soil nutrient content.

2. Improve Orchard Growth

Fulvic acid can be used as a plant growth regulator to promote the growth of fruit trees and improve the yield and quality of fruit trees. The direct effect of fulvic acid on the tree is to reduce leaf transpiration rate, increase photosynthetic intensity, increase chlorophyll content, improve root vigor, and promote root development.

Indirect effects are related to improvements in the physical, chemical, and microbial properties of the soil.

After Dora’s research, the mechanism of fulvic acid’s promotion of fruit tree growth is mainly reflected in two aspects:

On the one hand, fulvic acid enhances the physiological metabolism by increasing the activities of catalase and polyphenol oxidase in the tree.

On the other hand, fulvic acid has strong surface activity, permeability and adhesion, which together play a role in promoting the absorption of mineral elements by the tree. Surface activity can increase the contact area between roots and leaves and mineral elements, and permeability makes mineral elements more easily absorbed by plant cells.

3. Improve Orchard Yield & Quality

After Dora’s research, the mechanism of fulvic acid’s promotion of orchard growth is mainly reflected in two aspects:

On the one hand, fulvic acid enhances the physiological metabolism by increasing the activities of catalase and polyphenol oxidase in the tree.

On the other hand, fulvic acid has strong surface activity, permeability and adhesion, which together play a role in promoting the absorption of mineral elements by the tree. Surface activity can increase the contact area between roots and leaves and mineral elements, and permeability makes mineral elements more easily absorbed by plant cells.

4. Improve Orchard Resistance Ability

Fulvic acid enhanced the activities of SOD, POD and CAT when fruit trees were subjected to stress such as water, temperature, salt and heavy metals.

At the same time, it can promote the accumulation of osmotic substances such as proline, reduce the content of malondialdehyde, regulate the content of reactive oxygen species in the plant, maintain the permeability and stability of the cell membrane, improve the physiological and biochemical state of the tree, and enhance the resistance of the tree to drought. , cold, salt, and heavy metal resistance.

5. Improve Orchard Diseases Resistance Ability

Fulvic acid has a large surface activity, which can inhibit fungi, enhance the adsorption capacity of cell membranes, improve the permeability of cell membranes, and promote the absorption and utilization of trace elements by cells. Trace elements can improve the activity of various enzymes in the tree, prevent rot and root rot, and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases

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