Application of Polyglutamic Acid & Humic Acid Fertilizer on Rape
Polyglutamic acid & humic acid fertilizer combines the effects of humic acid, polyglutamic acid, and trace elements, achieving the effect of 1+1+1 > 3.
Polyglutamic acid & humic acid fertilizer combines the effects of humic acid, polyglutamic acid, and trace elements, achieving the effect of 1+1+1 > 3.
This article discusses the application of polyglutamic acid urea products under the current trend of green sustainable development of agriculture.
Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria provide nitrogen and organic matter for crops, improve the solubility of phosphate, reduce soil and water pollution. Click for details.
Paenibacillus Mucilaginosus and Bradyrhizobium Japonicum compound inoculation on soybean plant, Click for details.
Nitrogen fixation of the peanut-bradiorhizobium symbiotic system can meet 30%-80% of the nitrogen required for peanut growth.
Rhizobia remarkably affect the remediation of heavy metals, organic pollution, and other contaminated soil and saline soil. Click for details.
There is a positive symbiotic relationship among Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Rhizobia & Phosphate-solubilizing Bacteria, click for details.
Alginate oligosaccharides can significantly promote root growth and its absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, manganese, and zinc.
In this paper, cucumber seedlings were sprayed exogenously with alginate oligosaccharide, and the cucumber seedlings were divided into sprayed and unsprayed groups.
Chitosan oligosaccharide can significantly improve the low-temperature tolerance of melon seedlings. The optimal concentration of seed soaking is 75ppm, the concentration of leaf spray is 50ppm, and the concentration of root irrigation is 100ppm.
Dora Agri used fish protein hydrolyzate on cucumber seed germination, seedling growth, nutrient absorption and matrix nutrients. Click for results.
Fish protein organic fertilizer was sprayed as a foliar fertilizer on tomatoes in soilless cultivation in a greenhouse, click for our results.
This post is in order to test the various stress tolerance effects of Dora Sailor (chitosan oligosaccharide powder). Check it for data details.
This post aims to research the control effect of 300 million CFU/g WP of Trichoderma Asperellum on pepper blight. Record test data.
Fulvic acid has a wide range of influences on the growth, development, physiology, and biochemistry of orchards, especially can enhance the orchards stress resistance and has excellent potential for development.
Dora agri used humic acid fertilizer for sugarcane, to study its effects on sugarcane yield, quality, and soil properties. The results showed that humic acid
Humic acid is playing an important role in improving soil condition, click it for details & mechanisms of humic acid for soil conditioners.
Through dora agri’s nutrient solution hydroponic experiment, we research the effect of different humic acid concentration on the yield and nutrient utilization of hydroponic lettuce.
Humic acid humates are soil conditioners on lawns to improve the micro-environment of clay and sandy soils in lawns. Click for details.
Trichoderma asperellum has strong soil adaptability to the environment, and can significantly inhibit the growth of Rhizoctonia solani.
Dora agri introduce the uses of effective microorganisms EM in Agriculture, and verify its effect in field experiments.
5ppm Dora alginate oligosaccharide and 20ppm NAA solution have obvious rooting-promoting effect, Click for more details
Application of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in agriculture is wide. It can regulate plant growth, induce plant resistance, and inhibit the growth of plant pathogenic bacteria.
Application of Bacillus licheniformis have become more and more in-depth. This post will tell you its effect in agricultural production.
Fulvic acid has a very wide range of functions in agricultural production, Click for detials of mechanism and function of fulvic acid in agriculture.
Salicylic acid is additive adding to agricultural formulations to enhance the competitiveness of products, click for more applications
On April 7th, 2021, Our team officially submitted documents of Dora Kelpreal to OMRI. After five months of communication, Dora Kelpreal is approved by OMRI and received the certificate.
EDTA chelating agents are widely used in agriculture due to their own chelating properties, stability, especially apply on chelating micro-fertilizers.
Blueberry root rot is caused by Fusarium oxysporum, biological control is a green control method and an important measure to ensure the production of organic blueberries.
Trichoderma viride is a beneficial microorganism with high-efficiency biodegradation and biological control functions. Click for applications.
Maxicrop soluble seaweed powder is derived from fresh, uncontaminated Norwegian Ascophyllum nodosum. Maxicrop seaweed powder increased root growth by 60%.
The use of natural seaweed extracts in agriculture provides new ideas and solutions for sustainable agriculture, Click for more applications.
Fish protein fertilizer can effectively reduce the inhibitory effect of salt stress on corn seed germination and seedling biomass accumulation
Fish protein hydrolysate fertilizer can increase crops’ freeze tolerance. Here we will tell you the mechanism. Click for details.
Enzymatic hydrolysis technology of fish amino acid fertilizer retains more high-protein nutrients, organic matter. No waste, maximum use of resources.
1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is used as an ethylene inhibitor commercially to slow the ripening of fruits and help keep cut flowers fresh.
Kelp meal fertilizer is a natural 100% organic fertilizer made from dried seaweed. This guide will introduce benefits & usage of kelp fertilizer.
Bacillus thuringiensis products are widely used on control root aphids, nematodes, caterpillars, and grub. How does Bacillus thuringiensis work? Click for details.
Trichoderma and Mycorrhizae are the common commercial biofungicide in the market. What’s difference between trichoderma and mycorrhizae. Click for details.
Soil Borne Diseases, mainly plant pathogens living in the soil with crop residue. Click it for more details for the control of soil diseases.
Fish Emulsion fertilizer use as natural organic fertilizer. This product contains high organic nitrogen content. Usually, it’s an excellent soil conditioner and natural growth-promoting agent. Below
Tobacco mosaic disease (TMV), which harms tobacco quality and yield, will cause huge economic losses to tobacco farmers. By this article, let’s know how to Identify & Treat
We always glance at the microbial products beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae on the website, They are being used as a biological insecticide to control a number of pests such as termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and different beetles.
Have you used bio insecticide beauveria bassiana for bed bugs? Beauveria bassiana is a fungus that grows in the soil around the world. It belongs to insect pathogen fungi. It is used as a biopesticide to control many pests, especially bed bugs, termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and different beetles.
Potassium fulvic acid is a short carbon chain molecule extracted from humic acid. Fulvic acid is similar to humic acid, the differences are carbon and oxygen content, acidity, polymerization, molecular weight, and color.
It has a high load capacity and physiological activity. It chelates dozens of minerals and transforms them into a form that plants can absorb.
Biofertilizer bacillus mucilaginosus shows the high potential to be used as a fertilizer due to its multiple functions for crops. It can be used as
Biological control of plant diseases has become a research hotspot, and biofertilizer Bacillus subtilis is one of the most representative biocontrol species.
Do you know why is bacillus subtilis very popular?
Locusts (Grasshopper) belong to the order Orthoptera, and locusts will cause different degrees of damages to agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry. Once disasters happen, grain
Straw Decomposing Agent can speed up the maturation of the straw and has a significant promotion effect on the improvement of organic matter. This article reviews the principle and application of straw decomposing agents, hoping to provide some reference for promoting the application of the straw decomposing agent.
Trichoderma harizanum vs Trichoderma viride, They all belong to the Trichoderma spp, but they are not exactly the same. Read more to learn the difference between these two trichoderma spp.
As the level of sustainable agriculture is an important global issue. Organic fertilizers get more and more attentions.
What is organic fertilizer? After reading, you will know definition, types and pros &cons of organic fertilizer.
What promotes root growth and How to promote? Apply Essential Nutrients, Use root stimulant hormones, microbial biofertilizers, and scientific management.
What’s Soil Salinization? Soil salinization is one of the most vital soil problems for agricultural production. After reading, you will know how what cause Soil Salinization and how to prevent.
Organic seaweed fertilizer has excellent effect on the growth of plants, which increases yield & quality by stimulating crop growth, regulating soil and improving fertilizer efficiency.
Humic acid is a mixture of natural organic macromolecular matters, it had good effect on improving soil condition, increasing plant resistance ability to stress and cell wall permeability.
Root-knot nematodes is one of the most economically damaging genera of plant-parasitic nematodes on field crops. Keep reading you will know how to distinguish.
Nematicides helps in securing crops from nematodes as well as various other soil-dwelling pests. Keep reading, you will know the new chance for nematicide market
A nematicide is a type of chemical pesticide used to kill plant-parasitic nematodes. Reading this post you will know the newest classification of nematicides.
Trichoderma can improve soil structure.The hyphae and other substance reproduced by trichoderma can be used as a cementing material to help soil build a stable granular structure
Chitosan is aimed to improving the soil living conditions against soil-borne pathogens. The mycorrhiza could live better under this good condition chitosan created. A study shows that chitinases could not affect the growth of mycorrhizal fungi
Chitosan oligosaccharides can not only help plants resist disease, but also decompose animal and plant residues and trace metal elements in the soil
Crop rotation refers to a cultivation method in which different crops are planted sequentially in rotation on the same field. Click for case
Mycorrhizae help build healthy soil structure and microenvironment. And Increase plant’s nutrients absorption capacity and stress resistance ability.
The mechanism is that plant can produce chitinase by absorbing Chitosan oligosaccharide to interact with pathogenic bacteria, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria,make susceptible plants produce systemic resistance.
S-Abscisic acid is an inhibiting hormone in plants that helps a plant adapt to stress environment. It also plays the vital role in the closure of the leafs stomata, bud development, and seed dormancy.
Root rot is one of common disease that attacks the plant roots that grow in moist or moist soil. Click it for more details of root rot diseases.
Different kinds of L-amino acids have difference effect for plants,you will know all about it after you reading this article.
Biofungicides products inhibit the energy production and interfere with biosynthesis of Pathogens.It have strong compatibility and low toxicity,stimulate plant growth.
What’s benefits of bacillus subtilis in agriculture?It can be used as bio fertilizer and bio fungicide.It’s eco-friendly,and has significant antibacterial properties.
Early blight and late blight are the most common diseases on tomato & potato. They usually take huge losses to farmers. After reading, we will know how to recognize their symptoms.
Crumb structure is a type of soil structure in which the structural units or peds have a spheroidal or crumb shape.Crumb structure is often found in more porous than granular organo-mineral surface soil horizons,and provides optimal pore space for soil fertility.
What’s the advantages of Bacillus mucilaginosus? How is it used in agriculture production. Click it
We cooperated with local growers to apply Trichoderma harzianum on Strawberry growth. We begin to use it at the seedlings stage and have the good effect on root growth & diseases control.
The Harm of Soil acidification is very huge,it will let root stop grow,affect soil pH and activities of soil microorganisms.Even promotes the release and activation of toxic elements.
What’s the performance of continuous cropping obstacle in different crops? In some plants,stems and leaves appear scorching and shrinking,and some even die.
Most of us are familiar with powdery mildew,from field to greenhouse,from vegetable garden to orchard garden.Once the crop is infected with powdery mildew,it is rapidly developed and difficult to remove, often causing serious problems.
What’s the key problem about soil? Soil hardening,imbalance of mineral nutrition ratio,Low organic matter content,Thinner plough layer,Soil acidification…Let’s go into these problems
There are lots of microbial fertilizers on the market. This article will help you understand the importance of microbial fertilizer and its functions in agriculture.
Dora Rootguard has good effect on alleviating soil salinity and increase crops yields and quality.Please check the field trial report.
Trichoderma’s Mechanism in Improving soil condition,such as how to Improve Soil Structure,Alleviate Soil Salinization and Reduce heavy metals and organic pollutants in soil.
Trichoderma harzianum is a soil-dwelling fungus used as a kind of biocontrol fungus, It has quicker growth rate, and highly adaptation, it widely used as biological fertilizer.
Microbial fertilizer refers to a type of biological agent that contains living microorganisms and can obtain a specific fertilizer effect in use to increase plant yield or improve quality.
Harpin Protein is a new,safe and efficient plant immune inducer.Multi-functional product integrating plant growth regulators,biological pesticides and bio-fertilizers.
At present, the most common nematode species in agricultural production are root-knot nematodes, cyst nematodes, root-rot nematodes…Among which root knot nematodes are most harmful. So there are some tips for Nematode control methods.
Microbial fertilizers are more expensive than organic fertilizers because of the addition of biologically active bacteria! Therefore, the role of strains is the most important for microbial fertilizers. At present, the main microbial strains on the market are mainly Bacillus subtilis, so understanding the role of Bacillus subtilis is very important.
Paecilomyces lilacinus is a inhabiting bacteria in many roots in soil (Soil inhabiting bacteria refers to parasites that survive winters in the soil or on the residue of diseased plants, have strong saprogeny, and can survive long time in soil)
What’s the Importance of microorganisms in the soil? After reading this article, you will know the Distribution, Type, Benefits and future application of soil microorganisms
Amino acid chelate is a very important nutrient that is essential for the better growth of plants in your farm or garden.
This article is aimed to introduce the effect of amino acids, humic acids, alginic acids, microbial fertilizers, chitosan in production.
When a plant is deficient in calcium, symptoms such as new roots, apical buds, and fruits that grow vigorously and young are first observed, and when it is light, the symptoms are withered and necrosis occurs.
Boron is a trace element that plays an important role in tomato growth. Because it is an important component of plant cells, it has antioxidant function and plays an important role in plant reproduction, increasing tomato yield and quality.
The number of nematodes in the soil is abundant and varied. Soil nematodes are widely distributed in all types of soils. The number of nematodes in different soil depths is different. In the 10-20 cm soil layer, soil nematodes distribute most.